Workshop on Labfolder in May 2023

Many different electronic laboratory notebooks are used within the Max Planck Society. An ELN workshop in 2021 revealed the wide range of solutions in operation. One of these is the proprietary software Labfolder. The Max Planck Society has had a central Labfolder licence since the year 2016. Currently, this ELN is actively used by over a thousand MPG colleagues. Labfolder is becoming more and more popular within the Max Planck Society and at the same time, the users are spread across many different institutions and locations.

An exchange between users within different institutes or locations rarely takes place. We would like to improve this as through this lack of networking and exchange, many opportunities are lost. Therefore, we are organising a workshop on 11th and 12th May 2023 in Dresden to network the key users of Labfolder within the Max Planck Society.

On the following event page you will find the programme, registration and much more information.