RDMO for MPG – A New Service for Organising Data Management and Writing Data Management Plans

With “RDMO for MPG” (https://rdmo.mpdl.mpg.de), the Max Planck Digital Library provides a new service in the field of research data management for all MPG colleagues and their external collaboration partners.

The service “RDMO for MPG” supports the organisation of data management and the writing of data management plans for various funding organisations. Via this platform, DMPs can be written both more quickly and with other scientists involved in the project. At the same time, the plans can be updated throughout the various project phases and possibly forwarded to funding organisations.

The service is based on the open source software RDMO and is maintained by the RDM Support of the Max Planck Digital Library.

Screenshot of the starting page of RDMO for MPG

Virtual Tutorials

To facilitate the introduction of this new service, the RDM Support of the MPDL offers virtual tutorials via Zoom in January and February 2022.

Tue 18th January 2022, 5 pm
Language: German

Wed 26th January 2022, 9 am
Language: English

Thu 3rd February 2022, 1 pm
Language: English

Fr 11th February 2022, 11 am
Language: German

Recordings and Slides from the Virtual Tutorials

English Video Recording (MPG IP Range only)

English Presentation Slides (MPG IP Range only)

German Video Recording (MPG IP Range only)

German Presentation Slides (MPG IP Range only)