Keeper, based on the Seafile software, is a service available for all Max Planck Employees and – upon invitation – their external project partners. It is designed for long-term archiving of finalized datasets. Access to data for the owner of a library (collection of files) and authorized other persons is guaranteed for a period of at least ten years.
By filling in a form with basic metadata (title, author, description, year of project start, institute), users can obtain a Cared Data Certificate confirming that they comply with good scientific practice. It is also possible to create a DOI for a library.
Beyond this role as a long-time project data archive, you can easily sync and share your project data during the project phase. Keeper is designed for long-term archiving of finalized datasets, e.g. instrument manuals, photo documentation, scripts, credentials, supplier offers, blue prints, road maps, project plans, or address lists. Also Keeper automatically historical creates copies of local file directories. Keeper can sync your local project folders continuously, you can organize your archiving during the set-up phase of the project having less worry afterwards. And finally, it is possible to share files with individuals and groups.

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